In 1977, a number of people in Kansas City were interested in starting a community radio station. Throughout the United States, in the 60’s this had been a movement which produced many community radio stations.
Early in the development of Mid-Cost Radio, a whimsical and practical guide book was created by Lorenzo Milam with his friend Jeremy Lansman who had helped him to start community radio stations in cities as diverse as St. Louis and Seattle.
This guide book was discovered by the radio-enthusiasts in Kansas City, used in the Communiversity course sessions and became a stepping stone to getting KKFI on the air.
Below are the some of the dog-eared pages of one of the books used by those who were going to start a community radio station in Kansas City.
A later book, “The Radio Papers”, was written by Milam was written in 1985 that outlined his odyssey of helping to found several community radio stations around the country.