Flyers & Brochures 1987

1982 History

Mid-Coast Radio began to attract leaders in the community, and an advisory council was set up to assist the organization.

In January, the media columnist for the Kansas City Star wrote an article about the radio station that Mid-Coast wanted to put on the air.

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1981 History

Lots more work to do – writing the equipment grant – matching it with money while being broke, losing our tower site at the last minute – zoning problems – a last minute save with a new location.

In January, Missouri Articles of Incorporation were approved.

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1980 History

1980 was a joyous and a busy year! We received the Department of Commerce Planning Grant, set up a new office, hired a planning coordinator, engaged a Washington broadcasting attorney, and started a search for a radio tower site. Great challenges were ahead!

One of the problems left over from 1979 that needed to be solved was the situation of not having a location on the radio dial to put what would become KKFI.

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1979 History

1979 was an important year for Mid-Coast Radio. The original numbers of people who were involved in 1977 began to drop as the realization set in that there was actually no spot on the radio dial (frequency) available to put a new radio station.

The FCC allocates a small number of frequencies on the “non-commercial” end of the broadcast band – the left side, appropriately.

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