1989 Spring Program Guide.
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1987 History
Getting close to the date when KKFI was supposed to go on the air in 1988, the year 1987 was the busiest year in Mid-Coast’s history. New tasks ahead – completing the FCC application, using the Department of Commerce grant money, ordering and getting equipment delivered, hiring a program director, worrying about what to put on the air, starting a 2-node computer bulletin board system (pre-Internet), finding a studio location, getting new volunteers, continuing with the money-making bingo games, and encountering an unexpected challenge which threatened to sabotage the entire seven years of effort!
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Press clips and news releases from 1986.
Spin Magazine 2 Page fold-out February, 1986
Flyers & Brochures 1992
Flyers & Brochures 1989
Flyers & Brochures 1988
1985 History
With the end of 1984, after several years, the path now seemed clear for be a community radio station to operate in Kansas City.
It became very difficult after the 1970’s to start a new community radio station in a major metropolitan area, and there are several large cities which do not have one.
1984 History
In 1984, some momentous changes occurred! After 7 years of struggle, the Federal Communications Commission gave its approval for Mid-Coast’s application and a construction permit to build a radio station!
Continue reading1983 History
Publicity about Mid-Coast Radio appeared in a November article in 1983 in Kansas City Magazine.
A couple of rather zany special event benefits involved TV personality “Colonel Billy” famous for “inflation-beatin’ eatin’ and ‘that swingin’ Red Bridge Road.” He produced a video with him coming out of the rear end of a mule, and made a couple of presentations at what was Parody Hall at 39th and Southwest Trafficway. His performance was inspired by an article which ran in the Kansas City Pitch where he was interviewed.
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