2011 History

In 2011, Friends of Community Media (formerly Friends of Community Radio) and KKFI hosted a “Grass-Roots Radio Conference” in Kansas City. People from community radio stations from all over the U.S. convened to discuss issues common to all.

After so many years, kkfi’s original transmitter bit the dust! But a new one, dedicated by Kansas City’s assistant mayor in September was put in place and turned on. With a great celebration, of course!

A benefit with Jim Hightower to raise funds to replace the aging transmitter took place in March of 2011 at All Souls UU Church in Kansas City.

2008 History

Materials for 2008 are needed and may be uploaded in the future. If you have any flyers, brochures, and mailers, you are encouraged to share them so they may be included in this KKFI history website!

KKFI Twentieth anniversary event hosted by the 10th Voice Radio Show.

2004 History

After a three-year struggle, KKFI righted itself and was now called a “community-radio” station again, not a “public-radio” station. This article was published in 2004 in the Kansas City Pitch, an alternative weekly newspaper.