2018 History

KKFI celebrated its 30th birthday on June 30th with a grand event at the Folly Theater in downtown Kansas City! Programmers, show-hosts, volunteers, staff, and supporters filled the stage of the historic theater after a wonderful evening of Music, poetry, dance, and information.

Folly Theater Celebration of the Anniversary!
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2016 History

Some of the events where KKFI was involved such as tabeling at Kansas City’s Ethnic Enrichment Festival, Promoting the visit of Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman, Sponsoring the Crossroads Music Festival, and various concerts.

2012 History

Amy Goodman host of Democracy now, which airs on KKFI, spoke to a sold-out crowd at the I.B.E.W. Hall in Kansas City. In the early 2000’s she was instrumental in helping save both Pacifica and KKFI with benefits for Friends of Community Radio.