Publicity about Mid-Coast Radio appeared in a November article in 1983 in Kansas City Magazine.
A couple of rather zany special event benefits involved TV personality “Colonel Billy” famous for “inflation-beatin’ eatin’ and ‘that swingin’ Red Bridge Road.” He produced a video with him coming out of the rear end of a mule, and made a couple of presentations at what was Parody Hall at 39th and Southwest Trafficway. His performance was inspired by an article which ran in the Kansas City Pitch where he was interviewed.
Not well-attended, these benefits showed how hard it was to raise funds for the station.
Engineering studies conducted projected the ultimate coverage area of Mid-coast’s radio station which would become KKFI FM 90.1 – at 100,000 watts power.

Radio Waves Newsletter May, 1983
Memo / Newsletter from July, 1983 showing how broke Mid-Coast was at that time.
More community leaders got involved on the Mid-Coast advisory council in 1983.
Some Minutes from 1983.
Mid-Coast Fact Sheet for 1983.
An updated historical timeline for Mid-Coast Radio.